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The History Of The German Navy 1914-1945 (2009) DVD


The German Navy saw action on all the seven seas. From a humble start in the 1920’s, it expanded to become naval force to be reckoned with. Hitler developed wideranging plans and later put his ships and men into action against the Allied forces. The end of the Second World War saw the German navy forced to capitulate in the face of an overpowering superiority. More than 120 thousand German seamen lost their lives during the hostilities. This number included 30 thousand submariners as well as the small group of photo-journalists, who provided much of the film footage shown here.


This DVD illustrates the development of the German navy from 1914 to the end of 1945 in a documentary way never attempted before and includes rare film footage in both colour and black and white.

The History Of The German Navy 1914-1945 (2009) DVD

SKU: DVD#10.20
  • The History Of The German Navy 1914-1945

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